We start this project on 2009.
I have post two of my early projects which I have shown and now I will show the third project given.The third project is to make an exhibition center base on Brunei's local stuff. We were given a measurement of 9m x 12m, for indoor stadium. The first thing we were ask was to do the Mood Board. I wanted to find a concept that connects with Brunei, which Brunei are famous for traditional culture. Then I decided to choose two classic musical instrument which is an acoustic guitar and a violin. Both were string instrument. I remember during High school, we have a 'Gulingtangan' competition where they perform traditional music with a violin. The music fits with it.Adding a guitar that mix well into it.That is how I got inspired for the concept.
This image above is my Mood Board. The blue color background resembles calmness ant the smokey purple resembles harshness. As some songs played using this two instrument can express different symphony but blend well together. The black notes is to show the bonding of traditional and modern songs.
With this Mood Board, I start to do my research and development and get some ideas on each part of the two string instrument.
This are some of the research I have done for the exhibition project. We have to write it manually and I still have to practice that. The definition, the idea, the requirement and facilities for the customer.
Image 1 Image2
Image 3 Image4
Image 1 is my Design and development for exhibition. Once again, I didn't focus on the cover but I tried putting musical notes to identify my concept. In image2 is my Brainstorm. Before I start doing the development, I have to list out what is needed like the colors, the wall texture,Lighting,flooring,safety and other important requirements. In Image 3 is how I start my development by focusing on my concepts shape and how I am going to deivide each section to locate what area I am going to put in.Also in Image 4.Mixing the two string instrument and cut them half.
The image above is the result of my exhibition center. Top view.The guitar and the violin are slice into half.The decorative round shape in the middle is the decorative colored glass.To give colors in the building by the lights. The right side is the exhibition area and the left side is an open space for food court.In the middle of the building are some displays of all the musical instrument use in Brunei.
The image below is the visual I drew and colored. This area is where they ask information of the product
the local sell,opportunity and also for waiting area.
This are some image of my third project I have done and how I got the idea on how to create the exhibition. There was actually a model I make but I didn't got time taking pictures of it.I apology for that.
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